1- What do you know about vampires?
A vampires drinks Bloody Mary? Right or Wrong?
A vampire cannot be a female. Right or Wrong?
The legend of vampires began with Dracula. Right or wrong?
The word vampire was first known in the 18th Century. Right or Wrong?
Dracula appeared in a novel in 1916. Right or Wrong?
Vampires come from Slavic folklore. Right or Wrong?
Christian church tried to eliminate the legend of the vampires. Right or Wrong?
Vampires were depicted with overgrown teeth end nails. Right or Wrong?
Onions were used to prevent from vampires. Right or Wrong?
Vampires remained a Slavic legend until the 20th century.
Transylvania is a real place. Right or Wrong?
Dracula is a fictional character. Right or Wrong?
Dracula really lived in the Bran castle. Right or Wrong?
Observe : A long time ago, Vlad II was a prince. At the time, people called him Vlad the Impaler. Why did he do that? People didn't know though he inspired Bram Stoker.
Réfléchis :
Repère les verbes et les terminaisons.
Pour les verbes réguliers :
- à la forme affirmative, on ajoute __________ à la BV ;
- à la forme négative :________________ + BC ;
- à la forme interrogative : ____________+ sujet + ________________
Pour les verbes irréguliers : ________________________________.
Conclusion : Le prétérit simple permet d'évoquer ______________. On le forme avec l'auxiliaire _______________au prétérit : ____________________.
2- Addams family is back.
A- Written comprehension
The Addams Family is back in a Netflix series, Wednesday. It features eight episodes, four directed by Tim Burton. It centres around Wednesday, the daughter in the Addams family, played by Jenna Ortega, and who is starting at Nevermore, boarding school for outcasts.
The strange, gothic Addams family have been a staple of American cultures since cartoonist Charles Addams created them for The New Yorker in 1938. And when you think Gothic, Tim Burton is definitely one of the first filmmakers who comes to mind. He has created a Netflix series, Wednesday, about the daughter in the Addams family, played by Jenna Ortega, and who is starting at Nevermore, boarding school for outcasts.
The Addams Family, created by American cartoonist Charles Addams for The New Yorker in 1938, is a satirical inversion of the ideal American family. The original cartoons gave birth to numerous TV adaptations and feature films. Wednesday was created by writer-producers Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, but it is director Burton's visual universe that honed the characters and jumps off the screen. He describes his young self as a little like Wednesday, feeling outcast and alone and obsessed with the macabre as can be seen in Frankenweenie, Edward Scissorhands or Corpse Bride.
In the series, 16-year-old Wednesday is expelled from her "normie" school (as in normal - think muggles in Harry Potter.) She had decided to take revenge on some boys who bullied her brother by releasing piranhas in the swimming pool.
Her parents Morticia and Gomez send her to Nevermore, a boarding school for outcasts, which they had both attended. Once there Wednesday cultivates her difference even among the outcasts, claiming to be allergic to colour so she is issued a black-and-white uniform instead of the standard purple.
Contrasting characters. Emma Myers as Enid Sinclair, a colour-loving werewolf and Wednesday's roommate.
At first she doesn't appear to have any of the outcast attributes of other pupils who are werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters, sirens who can transform into mermaids or gorgons who can temporarily turn people to stone. But we soon learn she has started having possibly prophetic visions, like her mother.
At Nevermore, vampires can be identified because of their dark glasses and gorgons wear hats to cover the snakes they have in the place of hair.
Nevermore is situated just outside a New England town that features a theme park based on the Pilgrim Fathers that provides employment for local teens.
Iman Marson as Lucas Walker, son of the mayor, who owns Pilgrim World.
Unlike her roommate Enid, Wednesday isn't exactly filled with school spirit, but her suspicion of the school is soon proved correct as there is a series of attacks by a monster or a serial killer. Wednesday sets out to investigate, but is soon in danger.
Let's do the Quizz on Ecole Directe!
B- Oral comprehension
Make a written report of this trailer (Who? When? Where? What?)
Compare the two roommates using the vocabulary : whereas / on the contrary / contrary to / while / but / compared to / on the one hand... on the other hand
3 - Dracula
A - Bram (Abraham) Stoker (1847 – 1912)
1/ Facts to learn
• born Dublin Ireland
• third child out of seven
• sickly and bedridden as a child – could not walk until he was seven
• grew into a strong young man, the biggest of the seven children
• went to university in Dublin 1866, degree in mathematics
• as a young man worked as civil servant, journalist and theatre critic
• published first short story when 24
• married Florence Balcombe 1878
• Florence, aged 20, had just refused Oscar Wilde's proposal of marriage
• for 27 years, from 1878, worked for famous actor, Henry Irving
• Irving died 1905
• moved freely in theatrical circles
• wrote many novels and short stories
• only Dracula received approval of critics
• Dracula published 1897
• has remained in print ever since
• died and buried in London
• first film appearance of Dracula 1922
2/ Work by pairs : you are a journalist and your class mate is Bram Stocker himself. You are conducting an interview to promote his book Dracula. You have to talk at least one minute each. Perform your dialogue in front of the class.
B- The context: work by pairs
Try to explain the link between the fictional Count Voivode Dracula (Bram Stoker's hero) and the historical Dracula, Vlad III Dracula, Vlad the Impaler.
The names of these places will help you : Sighisoara, Walachia, Romania, Transylvania, Brasov, Bran Castle.
Make a poster to express this link.
C - Lexical field
A. Match the word and the definition
Here is a list of ten words, all associated with Count Dracula :
bat – blood – castle – coffin – cross – garlic – stake – teeth – vampire - wolf
At the end of each definition, write the corresponding word from the list above.
1) Count Dracula's home
2) Where a vampire sleeps
3) Animal that flies at night
4) Creature that feeds on human blood
5) Religious symbol
6) Dracula's favourite drink
7) Post made of wood with a pointed end
8) Strong-smelling plant that vampires fear
9) Big wild carnivorous animal
10) White "objects" in the mouth used for mastication
4 - Modern Vampire : Reading comprehension
" But food is not everything of course. We have to drink. And it's true enough : vampires drink human blood.
Oh, we don't suck it from the source, from the veins of jugulars of living humans. Also Uncle Dracu and a few of his mates used to try that in the old days, but now it has been dismissed as quite a messy way to drink as humans tend to protest.
The truth is that our power over matter allows us to drink from humans without them noticing. Over a few months, they become pale and dreamy and tired. It's us sipping their blood from a distance. Then they die, of course. Humans die. That's what they do best, or so I'm told.
It's not something I've done yet. As a young vampire – well, as the youngest vampire ever, I should say – I've never really managed the blood-dematerializing thing. My parents still have to feed me with a part of what they take.
"Don't worry, dear" says Dad. "All in due time, I'm sure one day you'll get it." Not sure I want to, though. So we feed on human blood. But humans don't notice. They think they are sick – Mum told me that they invented a few names for the disease we bring on them. Then they die in a peaceful and (I hope) painless way.
Then, there is killing. Maybe the term murder would be more appropriate.
That is what missions are about : a vampire is commanded to kill a human. In a messy way, which includes a lot of blood – real blood – and other pretty things like taking out parts of the body that are supposed to stay inside. If you see what I mean. Along with the name on the letter came the feeling, the knowledge – of what happened to Baptiste's parents.
And why it had to happen to them.
Oh, I know it was necessary : missions from the
Council are always necessary. Yet I could not
stand the picture that appeared in my mind while
I was reading his name."
Exercice 1 : Right or wrong ? Justify with a quote from the text.
a) Vampires drink blood from the veins of living humans.
b) Vampires feed on human blood.
c) Alicia has never drunk blood by herself.
d) Humans notice when vampires are drinking blood from them.
e) Sometimes, vampires must kill humans.
Exercise 2 :
a) Explain what the vampires' missions are.
b) Is she happy with her mission?
Final task : Give us the shiver!
Give us the shivers! In groups, create your own vampire show remaining true to the Vampire stories. Decide on the plot together, and then assign specific tasks within the group to be more efficient!
STAGE 1 : Decide on the setting and the characters
The characters.
Make sure they show some physical or psychological torment. Express intense emotions... You can even add some romance!
A nasty, frightful werewolf...
- in agony
- howling in the moonlight
- growling at the sight of a knight
A lovely damsel in distress who...
- sighs in her tower, waiting for...
- felt oppressed by her wicked stepmother...
- fainted at the sight of...
The setting.
Create a bleak, remote location. Make it dark and gloomy!
A haunted or an abandoned mansion: with squeaky floors and a secret passage
A cemetery or a graveyard: eerie and spooky, with tombstones
STAGE 2 : Build the plot :
Decide on the opening and the buildup.
A Gothic plot is often based upon a hidden crime.
The hero: a handsome young man
The curse: transformed into a werewolf
The general feel of the story: sense of foreboding
STAGE 3 : Add some suspense
Decide on the main event and the ending.
In Gothic stories, the difference between good and evil is not always what it seems...
A corpse, covered in blood
A man, stabbed with a knife
A kind werewolf and a wicked princess
STAGE 4 : Add a touch of surprise (or madness!)
Supernatural events are required in the Vampire style.
Make sure you create a fearful atmosphere and link your paragraphs in a meaningful way.
TIP : Have fun generating a story on . But be careful: it won't always be coherent.Re-write it if needed!
STAGE 5 : write the scenes and reharse your role
STAGE 6 : act it out!
The setting
a graveyard
a haunted house
a remote location
an abandoned mansion
a shadow
a creaking sound
a trapdoor
The characters
a man-made creation
a damsel in distress
a ghost
a giant
a hero
a psychic
a werewolf
a witch
to faint
to feel oppressed
to howl
to moan
to scream
to sigh
to sleep fitfully
to sob
to thwart plans
The atmosphere
a sense of foreboding
The plot/adding suspense
a corpse
a curse
footsteps approaching
a glimpse of [sth]
howling wind
a prophecy
a raging storm
thunder and lightning
the unknown
teeth chattering
to annihilate
to foreshadow
to portend
to stab