A - What does "Punk" mean?
- Describe the pictures
- What can you guess from the men's and women's clothes and attitude?
- How do you feel about them: threatened, disgusted, amused?
- What was music like before punk?
- What did punk bring to England, apart from music? What made it look dangerous
- Does this make you want to listen to the Sex Pistols? Why - or why not?
Possibly the most iconic band of the 70s, the Sex Pistols will forever remain the symbol of punk, one of Britain's most powerful youth movements. Led by singer Johnny Rotten, they created a new sound, with songs like "God Save The Queen" -and its memorable « No Future » chorus, which became a punk battle cry - and "Anarchy in the UK". Through the way they challenged the Establishment, they changed the face of rock music.
the antithesis l'antithèse, l'opposé
filth la crasse
the fury la rage
a record company une maison de disques
banned interdit(e)
branded étiqueté(e), désigné(e)
crude grossier(ère)
inflammatory incendiaire, provocateur(trice)
outrageous scandaleux(euse)
provocative provocateur(trice)
rotten pourri(e)
sacked viré(e)
shocking choquant(e)
subversive révolutionnaire, subversif(ve)
to criticize [sth/sb]critiquer[qqch/qqn]
to get rid of [sth] se débarrasser de [qqch]
to point out mettre en avant
to provoke [sth] susciter [qqch]
to rebel against [sth] se rebeller contre [qqch]
to reckon (UK, fam.) estimer, penser
to spit cracher
REMEMBER L'expression du contraste
The Sex Pistols were into chaos, whereas the Clash were quite political. The Jam started out as punks in 1976. However, they moved to a more pop sound.
Exercices sur l'expression du contraste
1- Lisez les phrases suivantes et complétez-les en utilisant des connecteurs d'opposition ou de contraste comme whereas, however, while, on the other hand, ou even though.
- The Sex Pistols focused on chaos and provocation, _______ The Clash were more politically engaged.
- Punk music was loud and crude, _______ the music of the 1960s was often melodic and polished.
- The Jam started out as punks in 1976, _______ they later shifted towards a pop sound.
- _______ punk bands rejected mainstream culture, they became influential symbols of rebellion.
- Some people found punk shocking and outrageous, _______ others admired its raw energy and honesty.
2- Associez les deux parties des phrases avec un connecteur approprié pour exprimer un contraste.
Punk fashion was bold and provocative.
It was banned in some schools.The Sex Pistols' lyrics were inflammatory and criticized the Establishment.
They became highly popular among the youth.Punk music rejected traditional rules.
It inspired new genres like alternative rock.
B - Forty years of punk
Happy Birthday Punk: the British Library celebrates 40 years of anarchy and innovation. To mark the movement's anniversary, the library is unpacking its punk archive. The show's curator1 talks us through some of the highlights. "Punk is not an easy thing to define," says Andy Linehan, curator of popular music at the British Library. "As with any type of music, people will say, 'That's punk', 'No, that's punk'. Some say punk died in a specific year, others say punk lives." For the exhibition, Linehan has decided to limit his focus to the explosive period between 1976 and 78. "We're looking at the initial burst," he says, "and the impact it had-punk's legacy." It may seem incongruous2 that the 20th century's most snarlingly3 antiestablishment musical phenomenon is being honoured by such an august institution, but the British Library has amassed a huge archive of audio, video, print material and other artefacts4 associated with punk. "We've always collected the counterculture as well as the culture," says Linehan. [...] The exhibition will explore punk's impact on fashion and design. It's hard to visualise the early days of punk without thinking of sloganeering5 shirts and DIY promotional art. Fanzines are one way of tracing just how quickly punk spread around the UK, says Linehan. "It started as a London thing but suddenly there were bands and zines everywhere- Bristol, Manchester, Belfast, Edinburgh." He puts it down to "the DIY ethos6 where people were going out and starting their own labels". [...] "People see it as negative and nihilistic," says Linehan, "but punk was also positive in many ways-it was, in effect, the birth of the independent label." Does he think punk is still alive and kicking? "Most types of music have their moment of impact and then fade, but there are always people who carry them on. Bands like The Stranglers and UK Subs are still playing, and every year there are festivals where all the old punks come out. We had to draw the line somewhere for the exhibition-but it's not a black-and-white line, it's kind of grey and fuzzy."
theguardian.com, 2016
1. General Understanding
- What event is the British Library celebrating with this exhibition?
- Which years does the exhibition focus on, and why?
2. Detailed Understanding
- Why does Andy Linehan say that punk is hard to define?
- What has the British Library collected for this exhibition?
- What aspects of punk are highlighted in the exhibition? Give two examples.
- How did punk spread quickly across the UK, according to the text?
- What common idea about punk is mentioned in the text, and how does Linehan challenge it?
3. Analysis and Reflection
- Why does the author think it's "incongruous" for the British Library to celebrate punk?
- Why does Andy Linehan see punk as something "positive"?
- According to the text, is punk still alive today? Explain.
Iconic punk rocker defaces punk rock exhibit While taking part in a public talk on punk late last week, punk icon Viv Albertine became incensed1 at the British Library exhibit's erasure of female musicians from London's early punk scene. So after the event ended, Albertine did what any good punk would do-she defaced2 the exhibit's introductory sign. Crossing out the names of bands The Clash, The Sex Pistols, and The Buzzcocks (all comprised entirely of men) Albertine scrawled3 in women-led groups The Slits, X-Ray Spex, and Siouxsie and the Banshees. To ensure her message was clear, she added, "What about the women!!" and her signature. Albertine has a real point; as the lead guitarist of the reggae-inflected punk group The Slits, Albertine has first-hand knowledge of her and other women's integral role in the early London punk scene. [...] In an interview with Channel 4 News regarding her book, Albertine describes punk's intersection with feminism, saying, "I think we shook up the English establishment. It was a very, very patriarchal society; you never questioned the doctor, the dentist, the judge, your uncle, your father-you never questioned a male, especially as a young woman." It's no wonder, then, that she felt so compelled to make sure the contributions of the women she played alongside in the early days of punk do not go ignored, nor that she chose the most punk way imaginable to do so. The British Library hasn't indicated whether they'll remove Albertine's additions to the exhibit, but they tweeted: "Viv Albertine is still more punk rock than you!"
Jessie Guy-Ryan, atlasobscura.com, 2016
1. General Understanding
- Who is Viv Albertine, and why is she significant to the punk scene?
- What did Albertine do to the British Library exhibit, and why?
2. Detailed Understanding
- Which bands did Albertine write on the exhibit, and why did she include them?
- How did Albertine describe British society during the punk era in her Channel 4 interview?
- What connection does Albertine make between punk and feminism?
3. Analysis and Reflection
- Why does the author say Albertine's actions were "the most punk way imaginable" to make her point?
- Do you think Albertine was justified in defacing the exhibit? Why or why not?
- Why does the British Library's tweet, "Viv Albertine is still more punk rock than you!" seem ironic or fitting?
Writing : What does this incident teach us about how history is remembered or written?
C - The art of rebellion
1 - Look at the mural and describe the scene
2 - Explain what is unexpected in this mural
3 - Who is the most rebellious : the woman, the man or Banksy?
Vocabulary :
Purpose, aim, goal
to mean, to suggest
in order to
William Shakespeare, Macbeth 1606
"Out out brief candle. Life is nothing more than an illusion. It's like apoor actor who struts and worries for his hour on the stage and then is never heard from again. Life is a story told by an idiot full of noise and rage but without meaning."
Sex Pistols "God save the queen" 1977
Oh whan there's no future
How can there be sin
We're the flowers in the dustbin
We're the poison in your human machine
We're the future , your future.
William Shakespeare, Macbeth 1606
Sex Pistols "Problems" 1977
Don't come to me if you need Pity
Are you lonely, you got no one
You get your body in suspension
That's no problem, problem, problem
The problem is you
Eat you heart out on a plastic tray
You don't do what you want
Then you'll fade away
You won't find me working nine to five
It's too much fun being alive.
D- Rebellion is universal
1. Look at the painting.
- Who is this man? What do you know about him? Could you name some of his works?
- Why is he represented with tattoos? What is the artist trying to suggest?
Now, read the texts.
- What topics do both Shakespeare and Rotten address?
- Find lines with similar meanings in both texts. What do they both reject or condemn?
- What advice do they both give to young people?
- Shakespeare died 360 years before the punk movement - but does that mean he isn't punk? Justify your answer.What topics do both Shakespeare and Rotten address
- 3. Draw a conclusion :
- What are the similarities and differences between the characters in the two documents?
- Do you see yourself in these characters?
E - Final Task: Write a Punk Song
Create a punk song that expresses your anger or frustration about an issue that matters to you. Your song must include 1 chorus and 3 verses, and make effective use of contrast in your lyrics.
Choose a topic:
Think about a topic that makes you angry or frustrated. It can be something personal, social, or global. Examples:- Injustice in society
- Unfair school rules
- Climate inaction
- Hypocrisy in politics
Structure your song:
- Chorus (refrain): Write 2-4 lines that express the main message of your song. This should be the most powerful and emotional part, repeated after each verse.
- Verse 1: Introduce your frustration or describe the situation.
- Verse 2: Highlight a contradiction or use contrast to express your anger.
- Verse 3: Suggest rebellion, change, or action in a punk spirit.
Use contrasting expressions:
Incorporate expressions of contrast, such as:- However
- But
- Even though
- While
- Whereas
- On the other hand
Keep it raw and energetic:
Punk songs are often direct and emotional, so don't worry about perfect grammar. Focus on making an impact.
Example Song:
Topic: Climate Change
They talk and they talk, but nothing gets done,
The ice melts away, and they say we've won!
Verse 1:
The world is on fire, but they turn away,
They promise us hope, but nothing will stay.
Verse 2:
They say they care, but they build more lies,
While we fight for change, the planet dies.
Verse 3:
We'll scream and we'll shout, until they hear,
Even though they smile, we know they fear.
Content (10 points) /10
- Topic is clearly expressed and relevant.
- Chorus is impactful and supports the theme.
Use of Contrast (5 points) /5 - At least three contrasting expressions are used effectively.
- Contrast is clear and enhances the message.
Language Accuracy (5 points) /5 - Few grammatical or vocabulary errors.
- Language is appropriate for the task.
Creativity (5 points) /5 - Lyrics reflect the punk spirit (raw, rebellious, and emotional).
- Ideas are original and engaging.
Organization (5 points) /5 - Song follows the required structure (3 verses and 1 chorus).
- Transitions between verses and chorus are smooth and coherent.
Total: /30
To learn more about punk :