People of Oceania

1 - Harmony Day

Watch the video and look at this picture. 

Describe them both and identify the goal of Harmony Day (100-150 words).

2 - Maoriland Festival

Make some researches on internet and write an article about this event as if you were a journalist (100 words)

3 - The stolen generations

Watch the video and define the term "stolen generation"

4 - Everyone belongs in Australia 

a - Look at this photo, describe it precisely making sentences, and imagine what it represents

b - Read the article and check out your hypothesis. 

c- Explain how this sculpture combines two cultures

d - Comment the main purpose of this project.

5 - Cultural diversity

a - Read the infographic and explain what makes Australia a multicultural society

b - Identify the economic benefit of cultural diversity

c - Say what social issues cultural diversity can create. How does the Australian society react to these issues.

6 - Final Tasks

You are a french student in art and communication and your final course is about a cultural event on Fidji Island. You were about to go to there to volunteer .

Unfortunately, all the events have been canceled this year because of the pandemia.

Among other students, your are asked by the Vou Dance company to help them raising funds in order to save their jobs.

1 - You have to imagine a communication strategy and draw up a plan (newspapers, advertisements, ad on the internet, posters, advocacy, ....).

You will have to bring your campaign to the festival's director.

2 - Perform a video to explain your arguments. If your project is chosen by the director, you will be able to spend your next year on Fidji Island to help them, all expenses paid!

Vou Dance company
