Methodology STi2D
I - The engineering design process
1/ Introduction
2/ Remember :
The engineering design process is a common series of steps that engineers use to make products.
This is the method you will use for your projects.
A/ Functionnal analysis
- Define a problem and a need.
- Find the requirements/constraints
- Technological watchs/check patents
- Brainstorming
B/ Design
- Compare solutions
- Choose one solution : preliminary design/detailed design
- Prototype or modelling.
C/ Presentation
Present your project.
D/ Tool box
II - Which technical tool to use?
1/ What to do?
To present your technical project, you need technical tools. You must use the appropriate diagram. The following table helps you to choose which technical tool to use.
Each team will be given one tool and you will have to present and explain yours to the whole class.
2/ Team 1 : Bull chart diagram
Exercise :
Write full sentences to present this diagram.
3/ Team 2 : Mind map
Exercise :
Remember :
4/ Team 3 : Use case diagram
What are the interactions between the system and the user?
What will the system do?
What are the use cases for the actors?
Example : the use case of an automated greenhouse
Exercise :
5/ Team 4 : Requirement diagram
Exercise : draw an "online shopping" requirement diagram
6/ team 5 : Sequence diagram
Exercise :
7/ Team 6 : Internal block diagram
How is the system structured ( components and energy used)?
The internal block diagram of an automated green house :
Exercise : draw an internal block diagram of an automatic lullaby.
8/ Team 7 : State diagram
Exercise : draw a state diagram of an elevator
9/ Team 8 : Block definition diagram
Exercise : draw a block definition diagram of an electrical wheel chair
10/ Team 9 : Decision matrix table
The decision matrix table is used to compare and to choose material or components. in the table you write different components or material and their characteristics.
The best component/material gets the highest number
Exercise : draw a decision matrix table to build a outdoor barbecue.
11/ Team 10 : Algorithms
Exercise :
III - Test
You have to learn the vocabulary and the definitions.
Be sure you have understood the lesson.
It is still time to ask for help!
Analysis : analyse
brainstorming : brainstorming
constraints : contraintes
feedback : retour d'expérience
model : maquette
patent : brevet
prototype : prototype
requirements ; exigences
synthesis : synthèse
to improve : améliorer
to ask : demander
to research : rechercher
to imagine : imaginer
to plan : organiser
to create : créer
to test : tester
a decision matrix table : tableau multi critères
a detailed design : un schema détaillé
a preliminary design : un croquis
technological watch : la veille technologique
Bull chart diagram : diagramme bête à cornes
Mindmap : carte mentale
Use case diagram : diagramme des cas d'utilisation
Séquence diagram : diagramme séquence.
Requirement diagram sequence : diagramme des exigences.
Algorithm : algorithme