

Improve your English listening skills with the new audio series, Virtually Anywhere from Cambridge's University. The series tells a story about university students Geeta and Paul. They are struggling with their coursework, when a mysterious professor offers to help.

1/ Read this email :

FROM: DrDavis -Head of Archaeology (Staplebridge University)TO: Paul Cross; Geeta VarmaSUBJECT: Details of final piece of Archaeology coursework ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Geeta and Paul,

You have been paired to work together for your final piece of written coursework of your Archaeology degree.

It's an open research task where you can choose which subject to focus on.

Your task is to hand in an investigation about one of the following locations:

  • The ancient city of Teotihuacan

  • The Terracotta Army

Please decide between you which location you want to study.

I don't have to remind you how important this piece of work is and I wish you the best of luck.

Remember that you will also be marked on how well you work as a team.

Please make sure that the work is finished and handed in by the end of next week.

Kind regards,

Dr Davis

2/Listen to episode 1 and answer the questions :

- How do they feel?

- Where are they?

- Who send them an email while they are talking

- What time is the meeting?

- How do they go there?

3/How do Paul and Geeta look like? 

Are they similar characters? 

What about the professor? 

Describe them as your imagination has shaped them. 

100 words

4/ Episode 2 : listen and answer the questions

- where do Paul, Geeta and the Professor find themselves ?

- What does the Professor tell Paul and Geeta when they arrive?

- Is Paul happy to be there?

- Why does Geeta feel unhappy?

5/ Episode 3 :

A/ Put these events in order. The first one has been done for you.

a) Changying tells Geeta and Paul about the Emperor Qin Shi Huang's tomb.
b) They meet their tour guide, Changying. 

c) Paul and Geeta have the idea to use Virtually Anywhere to see inside the Emperor's tomb.

d) Paul jumps down to check how tall the warriors are. 

e) Geeta, Paul and the Professor disappear. 

1 - f) Paul and Geeta are transported to the Terracotta Army. 

B/ Answer to these questions (make sentences)

- How do they meet the guide?

- What does the guide tell them about the Tomb of Emperor?

- Finally what do they use the Virtually Anywhere Machine to do?

6/ Before listening to episode 4, imagine what could it be? Write a new episode with dialogues  200 words. Record yourself and send it to me.

Then listen to the episode 4 and compare. 

7/ Episode 5

a - Fill the gaps

- Have you _____________ the birds for sale ?

- Have you ______________ that food stall?

- _________________the masks and bowls.

b - Make some researches  on internet and check if these sentence are true of false.

- Teotihuacan is in Spain

- There are 3 pyramids at Teotihuacan.

- Teotihuacan was a city

- There was a market at Teotihuacan

- Teotihacan was built by the Aztecs

-It cannot be visited today

- It is one of the seven wonders of the world

- It was built before the pyramids in Egypt

8/ Episode 6

a/ Fill the blanks

There are many things that archaeologists and historians don't know about Teotihuacan. They do know that it was built between _______________ and _______________, and then abandoned around 700AD. No one knows why this happened for sure, but it is thought that there was an _______________ or _______________ in the city.Teotihuacan was given its name by the Aztecs, but they didn't build the city. No one is sure who built it, but people from different cultures lived there over the years.Teotihuacan was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in _______________ and it is visited by many tourists every year. Archaeologists continue to excavate the site and new discoveries are sometimes made. A few years ago three ancient rooms were discovered under the Pyramid of the Sun. 

b/ Which sentence was on the record? Why?

1) As long as he's been transported somewhere safely above ground
2) As long as Virtually Anywhere has transported him somewhere safely above ground

c/ Where was Paul? Answer in your own words.

9/ Episode  7

a/ Read the questions carefully. Listen to the episode and answer them. 

1. Where has Virtually Anywhere transported them? 

2. When do Paul and Geeta decide to start working on their assignment? 

3. Why do Paul and Geeta get along better now? 

4. Why has Paul got a bandage on his arm? 

5. What grade do Geeta and Paul get in their assignment? 

6. What do Geeta and Paul do as soon as they find out their grade? 

7. What happens when they get to Study Room 42? 

8. Who discovered the mural according to the newspaper cutting? 

9. Was their experience with Virtually Anywhere real, or just virtual, through a computer programme?

b/ Put this summary of the first half of the story in order.

a) In the first episode, Paul and Geeta are given their final assignment and disagree about which location to study. 

b) _____ After that, the three of them are transported to the Terracotta Army. 

c) _____ Next, they go to meet the Professor after receiving a mysterious email. 

d) _____ They then meet a tour guide, Changying, who takes them on a guided tour of the Terracotta Army.

 e) _____ Then, the Professor tells Paul and Geeta that the Virtually Anywhere machine can help them decide what to study. 

f) _____ Finally, they decide to leave when they realise that they are surrounded by rivers of mercury, and Paul starts to feel sick. 

g) _____ Next, they learn that the Tomb of the Emperor has never been opened and decide to use the Virtually Anywhere machine to take them inside. 

h) _____ Then, they arrive inside the tomb and Geeta is nearly killed by a crossbow.

2. Now write your own summary of the second half of the story in your own words.

10/ Final Task

Imagine what could happen next to Geeta and Paul.

Write a scenario, dialogues, comics, What ever you want, but in English. Be creative and practise your english! (200 words minimum). 

You can change your own voice to perform the different characters or choose to add a visual cue if it's a video, or just mention the character's name.

Have fun!

The end!

Keep calm and carry on!

N'hésitez pas à me contacter si besoin! missbossardchampagnat@gmail.com